Connecting with Our Community at Placentia's Heritage Day!
This Saturday, our Stubbs for School Board team enjoyed a beautiful day at the City of Placentia’s Annual Heritage Day Parade and Festival! Events like this bring the community together in a meaningful way by putting the spotlight on our hard-working school marching bands, athletic teams, performers, artisans, local businesses, and our veterans. Our PYLUSD School Board and Superintendent even made an appearance on their open-air school bus!
Heritage Day is a wonderful opportunity to make new friends and reconnect with old ones. As a candidate for PYLUSD School Board, my team and I had a great time meeting new people at our booth. Thank you so much for your support!
#MariaLupitaStubbs #Vote4Maria #HeritageDay #CommunityTogether #SupportLocalSchools #PYLUSD #StubbsForSchoolBoard #PlacentiaPride #LocalBusinessSupport #SchoolBoardElection #FamilyEvent #MarchingBands #PlacentiaFestival #VeteransRecognition