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Proud to Announce OC GOP Endorsement for PYLUSD Board!

I am very proud to have won the Orange County Republican Party endorsement. The choice was made between two candidates: myself and the incumbent, Marylin Anderson. The choice was clear.

PYLUSD school board trustee, Maryland Anderson, tried to get the endorsement of the orange county republican party, but lost to Maria “Lupita” Stubbs.

...Why? Because the OC GOP committee understands that I fully represent the values and principles of the community I seek to represent as PYLUSD Board Trustee.

The OC GOP committee overwhelmingly placed their confidence in me as the true conservative candidate when compared to incumbent Anderson.

I want to express my gratitude to the OC GOP-endorsed PYLUSD Board President Leandra Blades, who has been a champion for me and my campaign for the school board. I thank her for her confidence in me as a candidate who is dedicated to putting kids first.

President Blades is campaigning for re-election this year for PYLUSD Area 3. If you or someone you know lives in Area 3, please make sure to re-elect Leandra Blades for School Board Trustee!

(From left to right) Ryan, James Miller, Leandra Blades, Maria “Lupita” Stubbs, one, the orange county republican parties endorsement. Maria “Lupita” Stubbs won the endorsement over Placentia Yorba, Linda school board trustee, Area 2, Maryland

I also want to congratulate OC GOP-endorsed Ryan James Miller, who is running for PYLUSD School Board, Area 1. Likewise, if you or someone you know lives in Area 1, tell them to vote for Ryan James Miller this November!

You can view all the OC GOP-endorsed candidates in our area here:

What do we all share in common?

If you look at the Blades, Miller, and Stubbs campaigns, you’ll notice that they share some things in common: They are grassroots campaigns led by PYLUSD moms and dads, supported by an entire community of families! 

Who are we up against?

But another thing our campaigns have in common is that we're all going up against the unions.

⚠️ Yes, the unions and Democrat party PACs are pouring their money into our opponents’ campaigns.

⚠️ Yes, this gives our opponents an advantage.

...But YOU can help!

If you can contribute financially to my campaign to win this seat for PYLUSD School Board, Area 2, you will have a share in the academic strides and opportunities that will deservingly be enjoyed by all our PYLUSD students for generations to come!

Remember that any amount helps!


Stubbs For School Board 2024
ID# 1469261
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