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πŸ’°πŸ’΅ Marylin Anderson Fully Backed by the Union, But Not the Community

It is now absolutely apparent that my opponent, Marilyn Anderson, is fully backed by the union (APLE), and they are pouring thousands of dollars into her political campaign. Why?

…Because she votes the way the union wants her to vote, ignoring the voices of parents and the community.

I am 100% grassroots and supported by the community. My donations come directly from the people I aim to represent. I will not allow the union to bring their politics and social and gender issues into the classroom. Marilyn Anderson has allowed this for years. I cannot be bought by a union, a political action committee (PAC), or a corporation. I will work for our community.

Let me be clear: We love our PYLUSD teachers! Our teachers deserve transparency about where their hard-earned dues to APLE are going. It’s a disgrace that APLE is running campaigns for political candidates, printing expensive signs, and paying for man-hours, all off the backs of our hardworking teachers. 

Stubbs For School Board 2024
ID# 1469261
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